Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

To Get The Work Done Or To Worry About How Your Team Is Feeling (essay)

To Get The Work Done Or To Worry About How Your Team Is Feeling

In an organization or a comunnity,there will be purposes or goals that the team wants to achieve. In order to achieve those goals the team needs to have a good teamwork. Working in teams can be both beneficial and challenging at the same time. Sharing work can be less than ideal if the team members don’t work well together. In most team settings, you’ll have a leader and one or two other people who share the workload for the entire team. This can lead to pent-up feelings of resentment on the part of the worker bees, and sometimes the other team members can feel left out. Teams that work well together can greatly increase workplace productivity and creates a more cohesive company culture. There are things that we need to do in an organization to create a good teamwork. First is Communicate. Obviously, this is one of the most important elements to a strong team performance. Keeping the communication clear, open, honest, and respectful will allow team members to express their feelings in a way that prevents a buildup of hidden anger or distrust. Encourage team members to ask questions and listen to one another. This helps to build better team dynamics and stronger relationships. Second is respect individuality. When working with teams, it’s important for superiors and managers to understand the importance of individuality. When a group of people with all different skills and personalities are put together to accomplish a certain task, understanding what each team member brings to the table is critical. Each team member needs to contribute his or her strengths in order for the team to function as one. Third is encourage creativity. Creative input should be encouraged from every team member on every project. Negative comments such as,”what a dumb idea” should be discouraged, and a supportive environment that is open to new ideas should be cultivated.  Brainstorming should be seen as a time to throw ideas out without placing judgement. The best ideas can be culled out later. Fourth is include a mix of genders. This might seem like a strange tip for creating a great team, but women’s social skill tend to be a little stronger than men’s. Including women is one way of prioritizing social skills, which have a direct impact on team performance. Studies have shown that companies with female board members have better share price performance than those who are men-only. Fifth is hold trust-building exercises. One way to enhance team spirit is to set aside time for trust-building exercises. If trust and support are seen as an important part of company culture, they are more likely to grow.  And teams that appear more trustworthy have been shown to perform better then those who lack trust. Trust is a reciprocal feeling and one bad apple can really spoil the bunch. Sixth is define roles. The recent Occupy Wall Street political movement was seen as unsuccessful because no real leaders emerged. A key idea behind the movement when it was first formed was that no one would lead and everyone would all work on the same level. While this democratic approach was laudable, it created confusion and zero teamwork, since no one was there to lead. Effective teams require clearly-defined roles so that everyone knows what he or she is responsible for. This creates better team cohesion and productivity. Seventh is don’t settle. The last piece of advice deals with how you staff your team. Know what you want in terms of team members, and keep looking until you find the candidates that are a perfect fit. If one person is wrong for the job, it can throw off the entire team dynamic. Managing teams of individuals with different kinds of personalities and skills can be challenging, but following these ways will help to make the most of the teams we have, and will help even more in setting up future teams for the company.

Although it’s important to get the work done,we can not deny that there will be no conflicts appear between the team members. People have different viewpoints and, under the right set of circumstances, those differences escalate to conflict. How we handle that conflict determines whether it works to the team's advantage, or contributes to its demise. we can choose to ignore it, complain about it, blame someone for it, or try to deal with it through hints and suggestions; or we can be direct, clarify what is going on, and attempt to reach a resolution through common techniques like negotiation or compromise. It's clear that conflict has to be dealt with, but the question is how: it has to be dealt with constructively and with a plan, otherwise it's too easy to get pulled into the argument and create an even larger mess. Conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Healthy and constructive conflict is a component of high-functioning teams. Conflict arises from differences between people; the same differences that often make diverse teams more effective than those made up of people with similar experience. When people with varying viewpoints, experiences, skills, and opinions are tasked with a project or challenge, the combined effort can far surpass what any group of similar individual could achieve. Team members must be open to these differences and not let them rise into full-blown disputes.

Understanding and appreciating the various viewpoints involved in conflict are key factors in its resolution. These are key skills for all team members to develop. The important thing is to maintain a healthy balance of constructive difference of opinion, and avoid negative conflict that's destructive and disruptive. So it’s better to get the work done first but to be able to do that we need a great teamwork. in a team there will always occurs problems or conflicts such as different opinion. To have the team run without any issues,we need to pay attention to the members of the team feelings,opinions and etc.

by Putri Ayu 
comm 2017 class 2

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